
ArtStories - Andrew Hardwick

ArtStories is a series of short films I'm producing, telling the stories of local Portishead artists. We hear artists discussing their art, their methods and their inspiration. The short films will be released throughout the year documenting the art community in Portishead, UK.

In this second episode I speak to Andrew Hardwick.

Andrew Hardwick has a studio on a small holding near the Royal Portbury Docks. He has a degree from the University of the West of England and an MA from the University of Wales.

His work is landscape based sometimes large. He uses texture, paint and surface to reference ideas of change, memory, history and emotion within the landscape.

He has exhibited with the Millennium Gallery, now Anima Mundi, St Ives since 2011. He was elected an RWA Academician in 2012. His work is in numerous art collections world wide.



Do Not Disturb (请勿打扰) (2011)


ArtStories - S.K.U.L.P.T