
ArtStories - Hamish Young

ArtStories is a series of short films I'm producing, telling the stories of local Portishead artists. We hear artists discussing their art, their methods and their inspiration. The short films will be released throughout the year documenting the art community in Portishead, UK.

In this first episode, we look at Hamish Young.

"Hamish Young's autoethnographic work is concerned with formalising ‘in between’ spaces drawing on feelings associated with loss and abandonment from his childhood experiences. He has cultivated a schism in his art practice that manifests in crossing the boundary of sculpture and drawing, objects or materials being removed from one place and placed in another and subject matter of physical spaces that are between states. Through allusions his work triggers metaphors and personal associations, which allow the viewer to contemplate ambivalence."




ArtStories - S.K.U.L.P.T